Mental Health Services

Self-Care, Empowerment, Codey-B Positive Badge

It’s hard being an orphan. Luckily, I formed a family unit with my friends we call our home Code Base. We work hard heard in search of our scientist parents’ that were sent into another dimension using code. 

We know it is not easy when you feel alone.  That’s why it’s important to find people you can trust. Together, we like too build robots, we like too grow our minds by constantly learning and we like too spread compassion to everyone we run into. We act with the care with focus on creating the world we want to live in.

Learn more with our self-care work book and Journal. Tools that can help guide you towards your purpose and extra Sci-Fun activities.

Here are some of our friends that you can reach out to when you feel you really need someone.

Be Strong

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Together we can make our future bright.  We need you!