Innovation Through Global Diversity


Codey-B: The ultimate tool for self-care and tech learning.

New Self-Care book. Self-care is essential for maintaining a healthy mind and body, but it can be challenging to make time for it in our busy lives. That’s where Codey-B Self Care Book and Journal comes in. This comprehensive guide combines self-care practices with tech learning, empowering you to take control of your well-being and enhance your tech skills.

With Codey-B, you’ll find a range of self-care activities and exercises, including journaling prompts, relaxation techniques, and mindfulness practices. Plus, you’ll learn valuable tech skills like python coding, helping you to boost your knowledge and career potential.

Don’t let busy schedules or a lack of tech skills hold you back from reaching your full potential. With Codey-B Self Care Book and Journal, you can improve your well-being and tech skills at the same time. Start unleashing your full potential today with Codey-B.

Interactive Book Series.
Code for the Environment.

Coding, Sci-Fi Adventure.

Self-Care Companion
Workbook and Journal.

Mental Health Awareness.
Environmental Awareness.

Great read

This is a great book for children. I bought for my son to read something different and he loved it. It was so good I even read it.

Amazon Customer
Miguel Arroyo
Amazon Customer

Great smart story for kids!

My son loved Codey-B adventures! Hope there is second part coming soon


fun and educational

we need more books like this making coding fun for kids, nice packaging


Sci-fi adventure in coding

Excellent book for all ages. Cleverly written adventure that sub plants the reader to learn computer code.

Amazon Customer

Interactive, educational adventure!

I love watching the kids light up for this book! The interactive features help me learn along with them!
Highly recommended. Makes a great gift too!

Tiffani Rae
Amazon Customer

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